It has got everything to do with your spirit, your belief and the Universe. It is all about your intuition and your energy that cards tap into.
Promote your services on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, and create a website, if possible. It’s important to be as accessible as possible to your clients. You can market various kinds of readings to widen your scope and offer services across the board. Have a price chart that caters to various audiences, so you can hit the mark and get clients that choose you for your expertise rather than the cost of your services.
“I like to first see how the card’s art resonates for me on a visceral level, then I note which emotions are coming up and which part of the imagery I’ve focused on. This is usually a big key into what your subconscious is trying to tell you,” she said. Before the reading begins, make sure to establish clear boundaries with your client, such as how long the reading will last and what type of information is appropriate to discuss. You should also keep your deck in a safe place, away from negative energy and keep it covered when not in use to keep it safe from dust and debris. Represent material matters, finances, and the physical realm. They often indicate the person’s financial situation and their physical health. They often indicate the person’s mental state and their ability to make decisions.
After all, you can set yourself up for success by staying organized and going into your reading with a plan. Technically you can, but you shouldn’t because reading for someone without consent is unethical. This is because it goes against universal law to violate someone’s free will, and you do this by reading their energy without permission. All in all, reading Tarot for others is a sacred practice that should be done ethically.
Accordingly, the entire universe exists within a tarot deck, with each card representing a person, place, or event. These symbols are depicted in both the Major Arcana cards, which speak to greater secrets, and the Minor Arcana cards, which speak to lesser secrets. Remember the “cards are not set in stone,” as New York-based tarot reader Mercedes Viera said.
Don’t skip this step because it helps make sure you’re not drawing the same cards repeatedly and helps deepen your relationship to your cards. Keep shuffling until you feel called to stop, which Pichinson says probably will take seven or more shuffles. Next, cut the deck into three piles and stack cards in a single pile.
Read more about angel cards online here. The flexibility and convenience of virtual readings open the door to lower prices and a wide variety of options. You probably clicked this and thought it’d be, like, a list of 78 cards and their basic meanings.
What Can You Do With Spreads?
Our third card in this layout is the Ten of Cups, which shows that long-term relationships will flourish and grow. In some cases, it refers to a fresh start in your home; this could be a new home, or just a brand new beginning of some sort. Notice the imagery in the card; a couple and their happy children stand looking at their home while a rainbow of cups lingers overhead. It’s all about happiness, dreams coming true, and long-term joy. Our tarot workbook guides you to your own unique understanding of the tarot. Comes with a tarot journal, spread compendium, and reference sheets. Read more about Love Tarot Readings here. In case you need some more inspiration to get your creativity flowing, here is a list of questions that we think make for some great tarot readings.
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If you just read each card’s textbook definition, you won’t be able to understand the message. It’s kinda like being able to read single letters and sound them out without understanding the actual word. By the time you’re done here, you’ll feel much more comfortable shuffling, placing, and reading your cards. Reading the Tarot cards for yourself is the perfect way to tap into your intuition and get the answers you need. Whether it’s about deep spiritual matters or practical, day-to-day issues, the Tarot can help. The concept of reading intuitively takes into account the individual meanings and symbolism of the cards and yet isn’t bound to them exclusively. Cards 2 and 5, the center cards in both rows, are the most important cards in this spread.
For this task, you’ll need a pendulum that you’ve programmed for yes/no answers, the chart shown above, and some Tarot knowledge or a Tarot reference book. Also, before beginning, be sure you state the source of your pendulum’s answers.