If you are frustrated with the aged appearance of your skin, or you have other skin issues that you would like to resolve, then don’t put off correcting them any longer. While all laser treatments work in different ways, one of the constants between nearly all of them is that the laser energy helps to encourage the production of new collagen in the skin. This is important because collagen (along with elastin) is a natural protein that is responsible for the strength and overall health of the skin. As we get older, the amount of collagen in our skin decreases, which is one of the reasons why wrinkles and skin creases form. The number of treatments varies depending on the type of laser being used and your desired goals. For example, laser hair removal can require up to 8 – 10 treatments because you will need to keep targeting the new hair growth as it comes in. On the other hand, stronger skin resurfacing lasers can offer effective results in just 1 – 3 treatments.
The NanoLaserPeel™ is effective in reducing the appearance of skin blemishes while tightening the skin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines. Depending on the type of laser used, this treatment may remove the damaged outer layers of skin to address pigmentation and textural issues. Treatment can also trigger new collagen development, making your skin smoother and firmer to erase lines and wrinkles. Hydration is a critical factor when it comes to recovering after laser skin resurfacing treatments.
Staying hydrated, using a moisturizer, exfoliating, exercising, and maintaining a healthy diet can also contribute to longer-lasting results. Several studies point to the effectiveness of BBL in improving the appearance of skin. A small 2019 study examined the effects of 5 BBL treatments every 2 weeks and found that BBL is a safe and mildly effective method for reducing enlarged facial pores. Cosmetic laser treatment, in general, selects the uneven or abnormal tissues or hair follicles by comparing their color to the surrounding skin tissues.
What Can CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing Treat?
BBL is a type of laser therapy used to enhance and brighten your complexion by treating skin concerns and stimulating your body’s production of collagen. Collagen is a protein that helps give structure to your skin, among other things. As a result, one of the best ways to combat signs of aging is to take steps to encourage collagen and elastin within the skin. This skin rejuvenation treatment can help patients reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars, and a host of other skin concerns, providing you with smoother, vibrant-looking skin. If you want to wear less makeup and experience a bare-skin look, we will share how laser treatments work and the skin problems they can treat.
Protect Your Skin from the Sun
While it isn’t uncommon for individuals to maintain a naturally youthful look into their thirties, most will start to notice a slight difference in appearance somewhere in their mid-twenties. This is because the body’s production of collagen and elastin gradually starts to slow as early as age 20. Both ablative and non-ablative laser resurfacing provide gradual results.
Yearly Treatments
Consult with Dr. Machida for his advice on when you can resume your regular skincare routine. Double board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Machida offers the following after-treatment instructions to help you achieve your cosmetic goals.
New collagen growth results in continued skin tightening and the development of a more youthful complexion with fewer lines, folds, and looseness of the skin. If you have mild to moderate cosmetic concerns, a few sessions of non-ablative laser treatment can be ideal for you. Non-ablative lasers stimulate collagen production and skin cell growth in a much gentler way. These lasers stimulate the deeper layers of the skin and can rejuvenate your appearance without removing the topmost layers of the skin. Beautiful, healthy-looking skin can boost your confidence and make you feel youthful and attractive.
We usually recommend packages of 3 treatments with many skin care products to enhance the results of the treatment. The average CO2 laser 3 treatment package with products, costs about $2,700. These results can last for years, making laser skin resurfacing an investment in your bright, youthful skin. Minimizing wrinkles, fine lines and scars is simpler than ever these days.
Laser skin tightening may not work as effectively for excessively sagging skin. With proper care, skin tightening laser treatment results can last up to 3 years. Most patients will be able to see some results after one appointment, but the best results appear after 3 to 6 appointments. Read more about Skin resurfacing here. Occasional touch-up appointments may be necessary after the initial treatments. Nevertheless, our laser treatments are capable of producing visible results shortly right after the session and can effectively address a wide variety of skin conditions. We can help you choose the right type of laser to eliminate or minimize your blemishes and flaws. It’s a commitment that takes time and patience to see the full results.
Dr. Kingston approaches cosmetic dermatology in Dallas in a very personalized fashion. We begin with an assessment of your condition to determine the best way to move forward. An examination may include a review of your medical history and a discussion of your goals. All skin rejuvenation patients are given comprehensive information about laser resurfacing. For people searching for how to remove hair permanently, laser hair removal is often the answer. Hair removal lasers work to remove dark, thick hair (not light or thin hair) on the face — or anywhere else on the skin. We ask patients to schedule an appointment one week after treatment to evaluate how the skin is healing.