While not impossible that all hits had a consistent path error compensated by gear effect, I think I probably had some that were fully inline and centered. Launch angle was roughly the same for all, but possibly because I was adjusting my swing to achieve similarity. Spin was unmeasured, and based on on-course differences that I didn’t mention, I think probably differed. The data is even fuzzier, but I felt a had better roll with the clubs that had higher ballspeeds. In a perfect world, you can have 2 identical heads and ball speeds off their faces should be the same if the Swing Speed it the same when it dead center.
It’s all about getting compression on the golf ball, and that’s what we’re going to discuss today, Day 4 of the “9 Days to Amazing Ball Striking” series. This adjustment is something the average player usually won’t be able to emulate, hence the overall carry distance will not mirror that 9-10 percent achieved by a tour pro. Read more about Golf Ball Air Cannon here. Most players and caddies need to make an adjustment of around 10 percent for each club, essentially the difference between metres and yards. Before you grab more club, keep in mind that these air pressure changes will make less than a yard of difference to your shot from one extreme to the other. As a general rule, increased air density will lead to shots that fly higher, land steeper and carry shorter distances. Any phenomenon that increases or decreases air density will have an impact on ball flight, but this might not be as much as you think. But humidity is only one element, when it comes to weather, that impacts how a golf ball behaves through the air.
Before you do the drill, make a couple of regular swings and watch the ball against the horizon to see how high you hit with your normal swing. Set up a pair of alignment rods with something across the top – we’ve used a foam noodle from a swimming pool – to create a horizontal target. One thing we see people struggle with when they first start this drill is, if they’re not used to getting forward shaft lean they tend to bend the wrist forward but leave the face wide open.
Predicted Maximum Curve of a Pitched Ball
Taking the example above the first, second and fourth balls
are placed in a straight line pointing at hoop 1. The third ball is placed
in contact with the second ball to its left. A good thump aiming left sends
the fourth ball accurately to hoop 1. The roqueted third ball ends up by the
South boundary and the second ball in the centre of the South end of the lawn. The third ball is stopped to hoop 2 and pioneer at hoop 1 approached. This does not sound as satisfactory as the
normal cannon, but it can be improved slightly by arranging the balls more
in a ‘Y’ than a ‘T’.
Why This Zig-Zag Coast Guard Search Pattern is Actually Genius – Smarter Every Day 268
One classic instance of this is the rover peel when
the peelee is stuck in the jaws. By arranging to take croquet from just to
the side of the hoop on an enemy ball, the enemy ball can be croqueted into
the forward ball peeling it whilst your striker’s ball takes hoop position. This explanation was first given 100 years ago by a German engineer named Magnus, to account for the curved path of a cannon ball. The maximum curve of 17 inches is reached at 1,800 revolutions per minute, which a professional can at least approach. The most effective speed is about 100 feet per second, which is well within the capacity of a professional pitcher. This is the reason why (on the rare occasion I purchase a club from a store) I leave with the one I was hitting, at the store.
Do you need a simple yet powerful way to trigger the start of the golf swing? Do you strug …
The next fastest pitch, 94.7 mph (138 ft/sec), was made by Atley Donald of the New York Yankees in 1939. So I think it’s a pretty good assumption that the sweet spot will include the center of the face (as defined by the testing procedure). Or to put it another way, the cor being maxed out at that point is one of the primary design goals of the head (of a good designer) – otherwise it will look bad compared to other head designs. And because of that, it also tends to be the more commonly desired point of impact by players. My personal theory is that spin was lowest for the highest speed heads, and that this explains a substantial part of the difference. This seems like the most physically plausible explanation, although I haven’t calculated what the RPM to m/s tradeoff should be.